
Student Focus - Lindsay Dibden

The success of my pottery studio and classes is largely due to the wonderful students I’ve met over the years who have come to love clay in their own way. I thought it would be a good idea to let my students express what they’ve learnt about ceramics and what they get out of pottery class

Here is a little about how Lindsay Dibden became a part of my pottery studio and what she gets out of pottery class in her own words...

Lindsay Dibden

My mother did pottery and she was really good at it. She passed away in 2018, so when I was looking for a hobby to do with my mother-in-law, I thought pottery would give me a connection to something my mom enjoyed in her life.

I remember Sandy telling me on my first day that pottery people are really nice people - without airs and graces - and I must say that’s been my experience. As a newcomer, I was welcomed from day one and now feel like I have known these ladies for years.

Lindsay Dibden Pottery and plants

I started pottery in October 2019 and my classes quickly became the highlight of my week. With what we’re going through at the moment, with the lockdown, I have found that doing pottery is a lifesaver. I can calm my anxiety, clear my mind and focus on whatever I am trying to do.

For the past 20 years, I have been working with my husband, handling HR for his business. I am also a mum to three kids. Two are living in Vietnam at the moment and my youngest is 18.

Lindsay Dibden's ceramics with decorations

I am enjoying my pottery journey and know that I’m in this for the long run. So far, I’ve only done handwork, but I am so inspired by the more experienced people in my class and I am looking forward to attempting the wheel one day.

I hope people don’t have misconceptions about pottery, because it is so rewarding.

Looking for a way to calm anxiety and clear your mind? Have you considered taking a pottery class?

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